"Mommy, This crepe is not as good as yours. Can we go home and have Crepe?"
My first encounter
Teacher: Madame, Can you make a batch of crêpe for the Madri Gras breakfast?
Me: Ah no, I don't know how.
Teacher: You don't know how to make crêpes???
Me: Hmmm.
Teacher: But you are at a French school
In my defence, I had just moved to the US with 3 babies. I had 2 helpers before when we lived in Singapore and now 3 kids and no helper and they expect me to cook! Fried rice, yes. But french dessert delicacy crêpes? The next thing I know, I receive an email from the teacher.
Dear Madame Wong,
Here are the ingredients,
3 oeuf, 1 c farine, 2 tablespoon sucre, 3 tablespoon beurre (melted), 2/3 c eau, 2/3c lait, sel
Blend everything.
My first french lesson and my first crêpe recipe. As they say the rest is history. 15 years later, we still have crêpes for breakfast every weekend, for after dinner snack, basically whenever we feel like it. Our type of comfort food! And it is so easy to make.
I guess when your kids attend the french school and the teachers are all french and belgians, making crêpes become a whole new ballgame.
3 eggs
1 c flour
2 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoon melted butter
2/3 c cold tap water
2/3c milk
pinch of salt
In a blender, combine all the ingredients and blend for 10 - 20 seconds until smooth. Place the batter in the fridge and chill for at least 1/2 hour and up to 24 hours.
Heat the crêpe pan or a small non-stick skillet over medium high heat and wipe with butter.
Add ¼ cup of the batter into the center of the pan and swirl it around to create a large circle until the pan is covered with batter. Cook for 30 seconds or until the top is almost dry and lightly browned on the edges.
Use a spatula to loosen the edges and flip. Cook for about 15 seconds and then remove to a clean tea towel on a flat surface.
Repeat with the remaining batter, wiping the pan with butter as necessary.
Makes 12- 16 crepes
For sweet crepes, serve with lemon and sugar or jams or nutella, banana & whipped cream
For savoury crepes, use grated cheese, ham, salami, spinach and eggs